Whoops, bought a yo-yo!

YoYoFactory Shutter black/grey fade

And now some actual racing!

Bed Race Running

Enjoying another Knaresborough Bed Race!

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Lost in Space on Netflix started like: Lost, in Space.

It got better.

About to watch the apocalypse be un-cancelled, and then I hope, cancelled again.

A couple of photos from this snowy week.

Snow over the viaduct

Snow on the window

Icicles over a day

Icicles over a day

Good morning, happy new year! Starting 2018 correctly with coffee.

I got a rock on a stick for Christmas: Rock on a stick

Merry Christmas!

Maids of Honour

Time for Star Wars!

Thor: Ragnarok was excellent.

Holiday over, back to reality next week!

I should really get a record player to actually play all my Radiohead records. Radiohead OKNOTOK Vinyl

Such a nice day! Photo of blue sky

I was not expecting it to be actually hot out right now. You know, like it should be in summer.

I look forward to when we eventually get all this AR technology in a regular pair of glasses.

Knaresborough Walk

Over the River

Tree Owl

Majora's Mask

I just finished Majora’s Mask on the 3DS this weekend. It was fantastic again although my memory of half of the game from the N64 version was nearly completely gone.

I clearly remember the first half of the game; the first two dungeons. The second half I have nearly no memory of. I remember a lot of the side quests, and definitely getting the very last mask before.

I find it strange not remembering half of a game but I suspect I only played it through once rather than, for example, the many times I played though Ocarina of Time on the N64.