Song: Black Skeletons

Hype Machine is a great place to find some really good new music (they have a Spotify app with some featured playlists to make it really easy to listen). Sure it’s not all to my taste but sometimes there is a great one that won’t leave my head.

Black Skeletons by Chin Injeti is one such song. It’s the first single from his upcoming album The Reverb, which I am now very interested to hear when it arrives.

iTunes | Spotify | SoundCloud

Tour de France 2014

Had a good day with friends watching Le Tour de France in Knaresborough last week. Here are a few photos.

No Anchors

No Anchors


A few photos from Bruges.

The Ultimate Guide to Solving iOS Battery Drain

Scotty Loveless has written this great guide for those of you who have some iOS battery issues.

The first step is my favourite because it confirms my crazy suspicion since iOS 6:

Step 1: Disable Location and Background App Refresh for Facebook

Fake miniature train tracks

Fake miniature train tracks

My usual train was cancelled tonight so I was waiting for the next one.

Some sort of battle bot

Some sort of Battle Bot

(It’s a Puzzleman)

Best cup of coffee all week

Best cup of coffee all week.

A Link Between Worlds

I have just finished the latest zelda game: A Link Between Worlds. and what a fun game it is. It has all the regular fun of Zelda but with the added nostalgia of the older top down Zelda games (it’s set in the same world as A Link to the Past).

One of a great things about this game is instead of having to play for hours before you get various weapons you can rent nearly all of them very early in to the game. So instead of passing cracked rocks that you know can be broken by a certain tool you can break them right there and then. This also allows you to tackle the dungeons in whatever order you happen to get to them.

I would definitely recommend this one.

New Year, New Website

I have actually updated this website after a number of years with the same design.

As you can see the blog is no-longer on Tumblr (although I think I might keep posting there too so people can use the Tumblr dashboard. When was redesigned he created a Tumblr blog where he cross-posts everything and found it to be a good thing). I am running the blog on a Ghost installation. I have found Ghost to be really easy to design for; it only has three template pages at the moment that you need in your theme.

I will try to write some posts this year too!


My name is Toby Curl, I’m a software developer in North Yorkshire, England. I am currently working as a web developer. I try to make things in my free time but also play video games.


@tobycurl on Twitter.
@tobycurl on
Email me at [email protected].

Follow the site via RSS or JSON Feed.



Dart was an app for iPhone and iPod touch that saved links to Pinboard with minimal effort.

Screen Watching

Everyone has the same advantage. It’s just that they get annoyed when they can’t use it effectively.

Yo-Yos in Space

A yo-yo in space, what is not to like.

(via Kottke)

MakerBot Replicator 2

Extra points for calling it “Replicator”.

via Dan Benjamin

Clean 'Open With' List

On my Mac the ‘Open With’ list in the context menu keeps filling up with duplicate entries for apps. Not really sure why it keeps happening but I keep forgetting how to clean it and then not being able to find the solution again.

So this is how to do it:

Enter this into terminal (this is on 10.8 the file path might be different on other version of OS X):

/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user

I have also created an alias for this in my bash profile:

alias cleanopenwith='/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Frameworks/LaunchServices.framework/Support/lsregister -kill -r -domain local -domain system -domain user'

Neil Armstrong, The First Man on the Moon, RIP

Let’s keep exploring space.

Via the BBC

Extending the Life of a G4 Mac mini

I still have mine connected to my TV. Until recently I rented things from iTunes on it but now I just use it as a DVD player.

Extending the Life of a G4 Mac mini

Genesis Aladdin or Super NES Aladdin?

We had the Amiga version, so that was clearly the best.

Genesis Aladdin or Super NES Aladdin?

AeroPress “Ritual”

Speaking of the AeroPress, Adam Lisagor made this fantastic video that captures the essence of the whole process.


The AeroPress is my favourite coffee brew method right now. It just makes such a good, smooth cup. It somehow seems to make most beans taste better than the other methods at my disposal.


There are so many ways to make a cup with the AeroPress.

I am not a fan of the original way, I generally favour the inverted methods. You get a part brewed, part pressed, filtered coffee. The Has Bean method is a good example.

However I find my current method to be great. It’s probably a bit of a mix of various methods I have been told or read (or it’s exactly one I have read and just think I have made this, I just can’t remember).

The Method

  1. Boil the water.
  2. Measure 15g - 16g of coffee (this varies depending on the coffee. Grind the beans, finer than for filter but a coarser than espresso.
  3. Put the plunger in the AeroPress so the bung is just fully in, so to around the 4 mark.
  4. Once the water has been off boil for a minute or two fill the AeroPress without coffee. This heats the AeroPress and lets your wash the filter paper at the same time.
  5. After a minute or so put 2 filters in the cap and attach to the AeroPress and plunge over the sink.
  6. Reset the AeroPress and put the coffee in.
  7. I have no idea what temperature the water is but it usually has been off boil for around 5 minutes by this point.
  8. Fill the AeroPress with water so the bubbles are just at the lip.
  9. Stir a little to make sure the grounds are all wet and start the stop watch, stirring for about 10 seconds.
  10. Leave for a minute.
  11. Stir for 10 seconds.
  12. Leave for another minute.
  13. Give it another quick stir.
  14. Put the cap on, hold a strong cup over the top and invert the whole thing so the AeroPress is now standing on the top of the cup.
  15. Plunge, but stop before the air comes out.
  16. Rinse AeroPress off.
  17. Add some more water from the kettle to fill the rest of the mug.
  18. Allow to cool a little, drink, enjoy.